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Model reduction


LPVcore contains implementations of several model reduction methods for different system representation objects. All methods may be divided into three categories:

  1. State reduction: the state dimension is reduced while keeping the scheduling signal dimension the same.
  2. Scheduling reduction: the scheduling signal dimension is reduced while keeping the state dimension the same.
  3. Δ\Delta-block reduction (for LPVcore.lpvlfr models only): the size of the Δ\Delta-block is reduced while keeping the state and scheduling signal dimensions the same.

Note that methods for joint reduction of state and scheduling (and Δ\Delta-block for LPVcore.lpvlfr models) are not yet available in LPVcore. However, by iterating the 3 reduction types, a joint reduction method could be implemented easily. Joint reduction algorithms will also be included in LPVcore in a future release.

The model reduction approaches differ in several aspects, such as scalability, accuracy and the unerlying mathematical principles. In this section, we briefly introduce and compare the methods. Between brackets we indicate the LPV model structures that are compatible with each method. We also provide an overview of the relevant scientific literature for more details.

State reduction

Balanced reduction (LPVcore.lpvlfr)

Recall from Core concepts that an LPV-LFR system involves the interconnection of a scheduling-dependent (but static) Δ\Delta block and an LTI system GG. Hence, any standard LTI model reduction method could be applied to GG to achieve reduction of the state order. Balanced reduction of GG is available by invoking the lpvmodred function and specifying the 'ltibalred' method. In the following example, we create a simple LPVcore.lpvlfr object with nx=10 states in GG. We then call lpvmodred with the specified reduction order rx=2 and the method argument. Note that the third argument of lpvmodred, which indicates the desired scheduling signal size, should be left empty because this method does not perform reduction of the scheduling signal.

nx = 10;
rx = 2;
rho = preal('rho', 'dt');
Delta = blkdiag(rho, eye(2) * rho^2);
G = drss(nx, 4, 4);
sys = LPVcore.lpvlfr(Delta, G);
sysr = lpvmodred(sys, rx, [], 'ltibalred')

Moment matching (LPVcore.lpvss)

The moment matching technique available in LPVcore is applicable to discrete-time LPVcore.lpvss models. Reduction by moment matching leads to reduced-order models that are guaranteed to match the output of the original model (given the same input and scheduling sequence) up to a certain matching window size. The window size is derived by a user-selected integer N. Then, depending on the exact options configured when invoking the function, the matching window size for which a match is guaranteed is either N or 2N.

The bigger the window size, the less state reduction is possible. In general, it is not possible to know in advance how much state reduction is achieved for a given matching window size. However, sometimes you have a maximum state order and want to find the biggest matching window for which the reduced-order model does not exceed this state order. To accommodate this scenario too, LPVcore provides 2 interfaces to the moment matching functionality:

  1. Invocation of lpvmmred using the integer N. You directly specify the matching window size but cannot control the state order.
  2. Invocation of lpvmodred using the method 'momentmatching'. You directly specify the maximum state order and the function iteratively searches the maximum matching window size such that the state order respects the maximum.
Suggested examples

Scheduling reduction

Applying scheduling reduction techniques from LPVcore to an LPV system object reduced model complexity in 2 aspects

  1. The dimension of the scheduling signal is reduced.
  2. The scheduling-dependence becomes affine, even if the full-order model has non-affine dependence or unknown dependence (such as when passing an LPVcore.lpvgridss object).

The second aspect is possible because the scheduling signal of the reduced model can be a non-linear mapping of the scheduling signal of the full model.


The scheduling reduction techniques in LPVcore are data-driven approaches. Hence, the accuracy of the scheduling reduction will depend on how representative the dataset is that was used for the reduction.

PCA-based reduction (LPVcore.lpvlfr)

The function lpvpcared discovers a suitable lower-dimensional scheduling signal using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). You pass an LPVcore.lpvlfr model sys, the desired dimension of the reduced scheduling signal nrho and the simulation data data from which the principal components are determined:

[sysr, mapping_fnc, info] = lpvpcared(sys, 1, data)

The function returns the following 3 outputs:

  1. sysr: an LPVcore.lpvlfr object with the reduced scheduling signal.
  2. mapping_fnc: a mapping function that translates a given trajectory of the original scheduling signal to the corresponding trajectory of the reduced scheduling signal. Together with sysr, this mapping is needed to simulate the reduced model.
  3. info: additional information, such as the singular values related to the PCA. This can be used to check whether the desired scheduling signal dimension was appropriate.

The following code snippet shows how the output can be used to perform simulations using the reduced model. First, the original scheduling signal trajectory alpha is mapped to the reduced scheduling signal trajectory beta using the mapping_fnc output. Then, the simulation of the original and reduced models is performed using lsim and the scheduling signal trajectory.

alpha = randn(N, 10)
beta = mapping_fnc(alpha)
lsim(sys, alpha, ...)
lsim(sysr, beta, ...)

DNN-based reduction (LPVcore.lpvlfr and LPVcore.lpvgridss)

The function lpvdnnred is similar to lpvpcared:

  • Both functions reduce the dimension of the scheduling signal ánd return an LPVcore.lpvss object with affine dependence on the reduced scheduling signal.
  • Both functions return the reduced model sysr and the corresponding mapping function mapping_fnc which is needed to convert original scheduling signal trajectories to reduced scheduling signal trajectories.

The main difference between the approaches it that, where lpvpcared discovers the reduced scheduling signal using PCA, lpvdnnred trains a Deep Neural Network (DNN) to serve as the mapping function. Furthermore, the lpvdnnred command has support for LPVcore.lpvgridss objects. Hence, it can also discover a global model from a set of local models. The function is called similarly to lpvpcared, with additional (optional) Name-Value pairs for controlling the architecture and training of the DNN:

[sysr, mapping_fnc, info] = lpvdnnred(sys, nrho, data, ...)

Δ\Delta-block reduction

LPVcore has 2 algorithms that reduce the size of the Δ\Delta-block of an LPVcore.lpvlfr representation. Note that this automatically reduced the input-output dimensions of the corresponding LTI system GG. Both algorithms are available by calling the umbrella function lpvmodred and passing the desired method.

SVD-based reduction (LPVcore.lpvss)

This algorithm, using the deltasvdred as the method option of lpvmodred, is only available for LPVcore.lpvss models. Internally, LPVcore.lpvss models are special cases of LPVcore.lpvlfr objects with Dzw = 0. For an LPVcore.lpvss model, the state-space coefficients may be expressed as follows:

(ABCD)(ρ)=S0+S1ϕ1(ρ)+...+SNϕN(ρ)\begin{pmatrix} A & B \\ C & D \end{pmatrix} (\rho) = S_0 + S_1 \phi_1(\rho) + ... + S_N \phi_N(\rho)

where ϕ1,...,ϕN\phi_1, ..., \phi_N are the scheduling-dependent basis functions and S1,...,SNS_1, ..., S_N the matrix coefficients corresponding to the scheduling-dependent dynamics. S0S_0 is the matrix coefficient corresponding to the scheduling independent dynamics. As such, it does not contribute to the size of the Δ\Delta-block. By default, the Δ\Delta-block size corresponding to this form is $N(n_x + n_u)-by-N(n_x + n_y). However, this size can be reduced by embedding the LPV-SS dynamics into an approximate LPV-LFR form based on an SVD of each matrix coefficient:

Siϕi(ρ)=Si,leftϕi(ρ)(ΣiSi,right)S_i * \phi_i(\rho) = S_{i,\mathrm{left}} \phi_i(\rho) (\Sigma_i S_{i,\mathrm{right}})

with Si,leftΣiSi,rightS_{i,\mathrm{left}} \Sigma_i S_{i,\mathrm{right}} an SVD-decomposition of SiS_i. Truncation of the smallest singular values of the SVD form then leads to an approximation with a smaller Δ\Delta-block size. When reducing the Δ\Delta-block size from its original size to the requested size, the algorithm first calculates all singular values of each block SiS_i and concatenates the results into a single vector of singular values. Based on this vector and the requested maximum Δ\Delta-block size, a cut-off threshold is selected. Subsequently, another iteration over the blocks S1S_1, ..., SNS_N is performed, truncating any singular values below the threshold.


A current limitation of the implementation is that it is possible that the size of the Δ\Delta-block is smaller than the requested size rd if multiple SiS_i blocks share the same singular values.

Balancing reduction (LPVcore.lpvlfr)

This algorithm, using the deltabalred as the method option of lpvmodred, is based on a heuristic method that interchanges the role of the state (xx) and latent variables (zz). Balanced reduction is applied to this transformed system. Disregarding the external inputs and outputs, the evolution of the state x(t)x(t) can be described by the following system of algebraic-differential equations:

[x˙z]=[A0BwCzDzw][xw]w=Δ(p)z\begin{bmatrix} \dot{x} \\ z \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} A_0 & B_w \\ C_z & D_{zw} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\ w \end{bmatrix} \\ w = \Delta(p) z

To reduce the size of the Δ\Delta-block, we consider the alternate system obtained by disconnected the Δ\Delta-block, disconnecting the state integrator, and connecting an integrator linking ww and zz as follows:

[zxy]=[DzwCzBwA0][wxu]w˙=z\begin{bmatrix} z \\ x_y \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} D_{zw} & C_z \\ B_w & A_0 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} w \\ x_u \end{bmatrix} \\ \dot{w} = z

with xyx_y and xux_u now exogeneous outputs and inputs, respectively, and the evolution of the latent variable ww considered the state. Note that this requires that the dimensions of zz and ww are equal. In other words: the Δ\Delta-block must be square. Finally, balanced truncation is performed on the above alternate system to reduce the dimension of the new state ww, i.e.:

wTwrw \approx T w_r

with TT an nzn_z-by-rdr_d matrix and the projection matrices TiT_i, TT such that TiT=IrdT_i T = I_{rd}. The Δ\Delta-block is projected according to this projection matrix:

Δr=TiΔT\Delta_r = T_i \Delta T