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Nonlinear Systems and Conversion to LPV

This is an overview of the functions available for nonlinear systems and the nonlinear to LPV conversion methods.

Model Structures

LPVcore.nlssObject to represent nonlinear state-space systems.
LPVcore.difformObject to represent the differential form of nonlinear state-space models.
LPVcore.schedmapObject to represent the scheduling-map of an LPV representation.


LPVcore.nlss2lpvssConvert an LPVcore.nlss object to an LPVcore.lpvss object.
LPVcore.nlss2lpvgridssConvert an LPVcore.nlss object to an LPVcore.lpvgridss object.
LPVcore.difform2lpvssConvert an LPVcore.difform object to an LPVcore.lpvss object.
LPVcore.difform2lpvgridssConvert an LPVcore.difform object to an LPVcore.lpvgridss object.

See the nonlinear systems and conversion to LPV guide for more details on these functions.